Beyond the Farm

Unit 8: Processing / Harvesting

Processing and harvesting animals, honey, and vegetables is an important part of any farming operation. Students learn the ethics of how to harvest well. Additionally, students examine the role of the butcher and how meat is brought to the marketplace. 

Unit 9: The Market: Entrepreneurship + Farming

From small-scale to large-scale farms, success in farming requires careful planning and entrepreneurial skills. This unit looks at how sustainable farming can be financially successful. Case studies of small local farms and large-scale regenerative farming operations are examined. Guest speakers will tell their stories to bring to life the economics of farming for students.

Unit 10: Beyond Food

Farms can provide more than food. This unit examines how nature and farm products can improve human health with herbalism. Students learn how to create skincare products, healing salve, and other natural health products. Overall, this unit will look big-picture at how sustainable agriculture has the potential to improve human health and the health of the environment.