I Think This is The Beginning of A Beautiful Seminar

customImageStudents examine the film Good Will Hunting in MSA’s new senior seminar.


Students examine the film Good Will Hunting in MSA’s new senior seminar.

“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” The closing line of Casablanca is one of the most fulfilling conclusions in film history. Rick’s friendly comment to Louis as they walk into the fog is a nearly perfect ending to a nearly perfect film. This scene and many others are being analyzed in an exciting new senior seminar offered this semester by Ana Harrington.

The course is a whirlwind exploration of some of the greatest films in history. This senior seminar involves the study of classic and award-winning films. Students critique both the artistic and technical merits of the films, and they study the development of theme, plot, characterization, and setting in each production.


We sat down with Ms. Harrington to learn more about the course.

What will students learn in the seminar?

Students learn the vocabulary associated with film and use this vocabulary when creating movies and analyzing films. Students analyze, write about and discuss various films, along with topics in them. A core objective is for the students to appreciate the artistic aspects of filmmaking and visual storytelling and begin to learn and use the vocabulary of the filmmaker.

What are some areas of focus in the course?

We focus on screenwriting, mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, and director style throughout our course.

In addition to Casablanca, what are some of the movies you will study with students?

The course combines classics with more recent films. Right now, the plan is to study Good Will Hunting, Road to Perdition, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Shawshank Redemption, Casablanca, Rear Window, The Departed.

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